Unleading Baby Food: FDA’s proposed limits are a positive step, but…

1 year 6 months ago

Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer Chemicals What Happened: FDA recently released draft action levels for lead in foods intended for babies and young toddlers.1 Action levels represent the point above which FDA is likely to regard food as adulterated – essentially unsafe – and seek a recall. This is a key step in implementing FDA’s […]

The post Unleading Baby Food: FDA’s proposed limits are a positive step, but… first appeared on EDF Health.

Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer Chemicals Initiative

Unleading Baby Food: FDA’s proposed limits are a positive step, but…

1 year 6 months ago

Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer Chemicals What Happened: FDA recently released draft action levels for lead in foods intended for babies and young toddlers.1 Action levels represent the point above which FDA is likely to regard food as adulterated – essentially unsafe – and seek a recall. This is a key step in implementing FDA’s […]

The post Unleading Baby Food: FDA’s proposed limits are a positive step, but… first appeared on EDF Health.

Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer Chemicals Initiative

Introducing Deep Dives—EDF’s New Platform for In-Depth Scientific & Policy Analyses on Environmental Health

1 year 6 months ago

What’s New? Today we’re launching a new digital channel for the die-hard science and policy wonks in our midst! Deep Dives is a new, long-form blog site that will offer readers in-depth scientific analyses, hard data, and practical policy prescriptions from our top environmental health experts. The authors are Environmental Defense Fund experts in air […]

The post Introducing Deep Dives—EDF’s New Platform for In-Depth Scientific & Policy Analyses on Environmental Health first appeared on EDF Health.

Paige Baker

A framework for more agile and sustainable crustacean fisheries in Asia

1 year 7 months ago
By Ming Sun, Stony Brook University, and Adityo Setiawan, Environmental Defense Fund From warming ocean waters to increased acidification and rising sea levels, it’s no wonder that fish are on the move to find suitable habitat! Climate change is creating dramatic shifts in species’ distributions and affecting their productivity. Fisheries managers who try to ensure […]
EDF Oceans

Widespread public support, new analysis signal urgent need for strong EPA methane protections

1 year 7 months ago

By Jon Goldstein and Rosalie Winn Earlier this month, the EPA closed its comment period on proposed oil and gas methane regulations. Over 400,000 individuals and a broad array of public health, environmental justice, conservation, labor, tribal, faith, youth and other interests — including oil and gas producers themselves — voiced support for EPA to […]

The post Widespread public support, new analysis signal urgent need for strong EPA methane protections appeared first on Energy Exchange.

EDF Blogs

Widespread public support, new analysis signal urgent need for strong EPA methane protections

1 year 7 months ago
By Jon Goldstein and Rosalie Winn Earlier this month, the EPA closed its comment period on proposed oil and gas methane regulations. Over 400,000 individuals and a broad array of public health, environmental justice, conservation, labor, tribal, faith, youth and other interests — including oil and gas producers themselves — voiced support for EPA to […]
EDF Blogs

Western Climate Initiative auction underlines upcoming opportunities to strengthen the program

1 year 7 months ago
This blog was co-authored by Delia Novak, Western States Climate Policy Intern, U.S. Region Results of the latest Western Climate Initiative auction were released today, and while the solid demand for allowances indicates a stable market, there are hints of uncertainty about next steps for the cap-and-trade program. Now that the California Air Resources Board […]
Caroline Jones

Western Climate Initiative auction underlines upcoming opportunities to strengthen the program

1 year 7 months ago
This blog was co-authored by Delia Novak, Western States Climate Policy Intern, U.S. Region Results of the latest Western Climate Initiative auction were released today, and while the solid demand for allowances indicates a stable market, there are hints of uncertainty about next steps for the cap-and-trade program. Now that the California Air Resources Board […]
Caroline Jones

Western Climate Initiative auction underlines upcoming opportunities to strengthen the program

1 year 7 months ago
This blog was co-authored by Delia Novak, Western States Climate Policy Intern, U.S. Region Results of the latest Western Climate Initiative auction were released today, and while the solid demand for allowances indicates a stable market, there are hints of uncertainty about next steps for the cap-and-trade program. Now that the California Air Resources Board […]
Caroline Jones