The EU has the power to bring transformational change to global shipping

3 years 1 month ago
This post was written by Panos Spiliotis, Global Climate Shipping Manager for EDF, and also appears on EDF Europe. The European Commission’s “Fit for 55” policy package opens a powerful new opportunity to decarbonise shipping—a sector with a growing share of global emissions (roughly 3%) that is not covered by any EU climate target. Released […]
Panos Spiliotis

UN aviation agency has an opportunity to bolster sustainable flight by adopting critical fuels criteria

3 years 5 months ago
This blog post was authored by Pedro Piris-Cabezas, Director of Sustainable International Transport & Lead Senior Economist at Environmental Defense Fund, and Anna Stratton, Consultant This month, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the United Nation’s aviation agency, is holding its 222nd Council meeting. On the agenda: an opportunity for ICAO Council to signal its commitment […]
Guest Author

Saving and restoring tropical forests has enormous value for the planet and the economy

3 years 7 months ago
This post was authored by Sabine Fuss, Group Leader for Sustainable Resource Management and Global Change at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), Ruben Lubowski, Chief Natural Resource Economist at EDF, and Alexander Golub, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Science at American University The protection of tropical forests globally is indispensable […]
Guest Author

Pueblos Indígenas enfrentan desafíos para una participación efectiva en foros internacionales de política climática

3 years 10 months ago
Esta publicación fue corredactada por Bärbel Henneberger.  Read in English Los impactos negativos de COVID-19 van más allá de los efectos directos en la salud, particularmente entre los Pueblos Indígenas, que han estado entre los más afectados por la pandemia. Las violaciones de derechos humanos junto con los conflictos ambientales se han intensificado, lo que […]
Breanna Lujan

Indigenous Peoples face challenges to effective participation in international climate policy forums

3 years 10 months ago
This post was coauthored by Bärbel Henneberger. Versión en español. The negative impacts of COVID-19 span beyond direct health effects, particularly among Indigenous Peoples—who have been among the most drastically impacted by the pandemic. Human rights violations have skyrocketed and environmental conflicts have intensified, forcing Indigenous communities to grapple with these circumstances and what they […]
Breanna Lujan

CORSIA: No, the ICAO Council can’t legally change CORSIA’s rules

4 years 2 months ago
In March 2020 the International Air Transport Association (IATA) wrote to the 36-member Governing Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requesting that the Council re-write the rules of ICAO’s flagship Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). CORSIA requires airlines to offset their carbon emissions above the average of 2019-2020 emissions. […]
Annie Petsonk

CORSIA: 5 reasons why the ICAO Council shouldn’t move now to rewrite the rules of its aviation climate program

4 years 2 months ago
The International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) Council is meeting through June 26, and Council members have been asked to make a decision at this session that could undermine the agency’s flagship climate program. ICAO’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) requires airlines to offset emissions above a baseline set at the average of […]
Annie Petsonk

CORSIA: Industry-sought rule change threatens aviation climate program

4 years 3 months ago
The coronavirus pandemic has created a global health and economic crisis that has affected families all over the world and nearly all industries, with aviation taking a particularly steep toll. Airlines may feel under pressure to save money at any cost, but hastily rewriting the fundamental structure of the industry’s flagship market-based program to address […]
Annie Petsonk

COP 25: Carbon markets in the spotlight

4 years 8 months ago
International cooperation on carbon markets, covered in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, is at the top of the agenda for the COP 25 climate talks in Madrid this week. Since leaving the Article 6 section of the Paris Agreement without agreement at COP 24, negotiators have continued to work over the past year to […]
Alex Hanafi

What You Need to Know About Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

4 years 8 months ago
This post was coauthored by Kelley Kizzier from EDF, Kelly Levin from World Resources Institute, and Mandy Rambharos, Article 6 negotiator, South Africa. It originally appeared on WRI’s blog.  As delegates arrive in Madrid for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) this week, one issue is top-of-mind: finalizing the rules on how countries can reduce […]
Kelley Kizzier

As 2020 approaches, the climate action spotlight is on forests

4 years 10 months ago
With 2020 fast approaching, countries, companies, and other stakeholders are taking stock of their climate commitments. As they consider ways to meet and enhance climate goals, interest in net zero emissions commitments and carbon removal technologies has grown. But what these discussions reveal is that forests are crucial. Capable of significantly reducing net emissions at […]
Breanna Lujan

The Getting to Zero Coalition: a step further towards decarbonization

4 years 11 months ago
This post was authored by Aoife O’Leary, Natacha Crete and Marie Hubatova from Environmental Defense Fund Europe Today at the United Nations Climate Action Summit, the youth movement with Greta Thunberg at its helm, called out the world leaders in attendance for a lack of action in the climate emergency. Greta’s impassioned plea again makes […]
Guest Author

There’s progress on climate standards for international aviation, but more needed

5 years 3 months ago
If you fly, aviation emissions are likely the largest part of your personal carbon footprint. Absent policy change, aviation’s emissions are slated to triple in the coming decades, making it one of the fastest-growing sources of carbon pollution worldwide. To achieve the Paris Agreement goals of holding warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and […]
Kristin Qui

Will governments disappoint again on carbon accounting at upcoming aviation meetings?

5 years 6 months ago
Some major companies, including airlines, took the lead last December in Katowice, Poland in rejecting the use of dubious carbon credits toward their climate efforts. Despite this drumbeat against bad rules for cooperative approaches under Article 6 of the Paris agreement, experienced government negotiators fell short and did not finalize these guidelines in Katowice. This […]
Kristin Qui
48 minutes 7 seconds ago
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