Complete list of expert staff
Complete list of expert staff
Areas of expertise: Environmental Innovation, Incubators and Accelerators, Design-thinking, Social Entrepreneurship
Areas of expertise: Corporate partnerships, energy management strategy, energy efficiency finance
Areas of expertise: Data analysis, data visualization, data-driven communication, agriculture supply chain sustainability, corporate sustainability, forest-risk commodities
Areas of expertise: Global climate policy, UN climate negotiations, multilateral climate finance, adaptation and development policy
Areas of expertise: Conservation solutions, wildlife policy, endangered species, agriculture, mitigation, forestry
Areas of expertise: Environmental justice, environmental public policy, advocacy, community outreach and community engagement
Areas of expertise: Oil & gas, petrochemicals, transportation and natural climate solutions
Areas of expertise: Climate and energy policy, environmental enforcement, emission trading and carbon market, green supply chain, green finance, ecosystems.
Areas of expertise: North American oil and gas, energy, and air policy; research and data analytics
Areas of expertise: Environmental policy, agriculture, conservation, supply chains, strategy, management, stakeholder engagement
Areas of expertise: Research and analysis, community engagement and local climate solutions
Areas of expertise: Ecosystems, natural infrastructure, community resiliency, stakeholder engagement, rivers and deltas
Areas of expertise: Climate adaptation and resilience, social-ecological systems, sustainable agriculture
Areas of expertise: Energy and transportation
Areas of expertise: Net zero, environmental and climate justice, qualitative and critical research methods, qualitative data analysis, geospatial analysis, strategic visioning/planning, curriculum design, environmental health, climate and health
Areas of expertise: State-level climate policy, decarbonization policy
Areas of expertise: Climate risk and resilience, litigation, regulation, policy analysis
Areas of expertise: Oceans Programs, catch shares, renewing fisheries
Areas of expertise: Agriculture technology, ecosystem service markets, biodiversity, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), agriculture sustainability.
Areas of expertise: Dairy, Corporate Partnerships, Developing Economies