You can make a difference right now
Add your name to the millions of people demanding change from leaders in the United States. It only takes a few seconds to speak up for the health and safety of the environment and people everywhere.
Take action with our priority campaigns
Take a few seconds to sign a petition or demand action from leaders, through these important campaigns.
Tell Congress: 'Stand strong for climate!'
Sign the 'Stand Strong for Climate' petition today to urge Congress to keep clean air, water and a safe climate a priority in the years ahead!
NOx pollution: A threat to community health
Urge the EPA to protect community health by setting the strongest possible safeguards for gas-fired power plants.
Don't pour more fuel on the fire. Reduce methane emissions!
We need your help to win the fight against climate change. Sign EDF's Methane Pledge and show your support for commonsense climate solutions!
Our ongoing campaigns
Support nationwide climate preparedness
Communities across the U.S. are calling for a national strategy to build climate resilience and preparedness. With your signature, we can show that…
Support EV policy, oppose misinformation.
There's a flood of misinformation that could negatively disrupt policies and legislation to be implemented to protect people and the climate. Don't…
Help protect our communities from toxic chemical exposures!
Join us in urging the EPA to expedite actions in regulating these chemicals in order to protect and provide safer, healthier communities!