With e-commerce on the rise, construction booming, waste generation increasing and grocery delivery expanding, the need for urban freight plans and policies is growing. However, a 2021 survey by the European Commission found that only 13% of member cities had a specific plan for addressing logistics. Many municipalities don’t know where to start as few have staff dedicated to working on urban freight issues.

Shipping workers loading truck

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To support stakeholder engagement programs, EDF has released a new report to guide local governments on how to develop, implement and evaluate an Urban Freight Partnership. While there are some existing documents related to this topic, EDF’s approach stands out as the report is coupled with a how-to guide, which houses nine templates serving as easy to use tools for municipalities to get started.

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Stakeholder engagement

The report highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement in freight planning and why municipalities need to prioritise its role in transport planning. In addition, the document walks readers through the three elements of stakeholder engagement: development, implementation and evaluation.

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