Nicole Buell
Senior Director, U.S. Climate Implementation
Areas of expertise:
Carbon management, industrial decarbonization, electric transmission, infrastructure policy
Nicole joined EDF in 2022 as the Director of Federal Climate Innovation, where she oversaw the development of tools and strategies to advance an effective energy transition, with an emphasis on the intersection of innovation and federal policy. Nicole joined EDF after a decade in federal government, working for both the Legislative and Executive branches. She most recently worked for the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, focusing on energy grid resilience and security, international energy and trade, and energy financing programs within the Department of Energy.
Prior to the Senate, she worked for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as an economist in the energy market division, where her work focused on transmission planning and capacity market design in the eastern RTOs/ISOs.
Nicole has also worked for the White House Office of Management and Budget and the USDA Forest Service. She holds a master’s degree from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and a BS from the University of Richmond.