Our Remote office

Staff experts in the Remote office

  • Alkafaji, Roya Manager, Healthy Communities

    Areas of expertise: Lead in drinking water, water quality, environmental health, children’s health

  • Amidi-Abraham, Garshaw Senior Specialist, Climate Resilient Water Systems

    Areas of expertise: Watershed planning and restoration, groundwater sustainability, geospatial analysis, nonprofit management, stakeholder engagement and outreach

  • Bryce, Ben Senior Manager, State Affairs Southwest Region

    Areas of expertise: Environmental legislative, regulatory affairs and policy

  • Chen, Glenda Senior Analyst, Global Transport

    Areas of expertise: Process engineering, renewable energy, island resilience, translation and cross-cultural interpretation

  • Collins, Jamie Marine Biogeochemical Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Carbon and nutrient cycles in ocean ecosystems; science, ethics and policy of marine carbon dioxide removal (CDR), global geoengineering technologies, and other climate interventions; blue carbon; climate change; Antarctic research; science and policy of oil spill and hazardous materials remediation

  • Colson Leaning, Dustin Senior Specialist, Fisheries Innovations and Policy

    Areas of expertise: Technologies for fisheries management, fisheries policy and management

  • Costello, Christopher Chief Economist

    Areas of expertise: Natural resource economics, Environmental market design, Risk and decision-making under uncertainty, Climate policy and adaptation, Property rights and asset values, Marine policy, Land use, Biodiversity, Conservation economics, Data revolution and environmental management

  • Courtin, Kate Senior Manager, State Climate Policy & Strategy

    Areas of expertise: U.S. climate and energy policy, carbon markets, legislative and regulatory strategy

  • Cusack, Christopher Director, Oceans Technology Solutions

    Areas of expertise: Fisheries Economics, Technologies for Fisheries Management, The Blue Economy, Fisheries Science

  • Deylami, Neda Manager & Attorney, Vehicle Electrification

    Areas of expertise: State electric vehicle policy, charging infrastructure, equity