• The world's carbon markets

    An online resource from IETA and Environmental Defense Fund describing multi-national, national, state and local emissions trading programs that are launching and operating around the world.

  • Carbon market cooperation

    As carbon markets continue to expand, coordination among programs will be increasingly important to ensure environmental integrity and maximize benefits.

  • Aviation's market-based measure

    A Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation will help airlines cap net carbon dioxide emissions at 2020 levels – if it is implemented with transparency and integrity.

  • Carbon markets under the Paris agreement

    Common sense rules for international emissions trading are needed to accelerate achievement of the Paris Agreement’s ambitious climate and development goals.

  • CarbonSim: EDF’s carbon market simulation tool

    CarbonSim is an artificial intelligence-enhanced, multi-lingual, multi-user, software application that teaches the principles of emissions trading and brings markets to life.

  • Report evaluates China’s national carbon market

    This report by EDF and ERI looks how the largest emission trading system has performed to date in China.

  • Doubling down on carbon pricing

    EDF-IETA report details the range of possibilities to achieve goals set by the High-Level Carbon Pricing Panel.


Raul Arce Contreras

(212) 616-1428 (office)

(240) 480-1545 (mobile)