Next Week's Day After Tomorrow DVD Shows Difference Between Science Fiction & Science Fact

October 5, 2004

(5 October 2004 — NY) The Day After Tomorrow DVD is due out next week on October 12.  The new DVD delivers more extras in its depiction of Earth in the very near future coping with the disastrous impacts of global climate change.  While the DVD has added a few special features to make this fictional movie even more entertaining, the fact remains that global warming is real and its impacts can be seen happening now.  People either accept this reality and are working toward solutions or are in denial.

“The Day After Tomorrow uses wild dramatic license and special effects to dramatize a very real problem.  Global warming isn’t just something happening in movies.  It’s happening all around us, and will keep happening until we get greenhouse gas pollution under control,” said Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense.

“The Day After Tomorrow exaggerates the impacts of global warming, but it’s no exaggeration to say that global warming is happening now, and that our children and grandchildren will have to live with the consequences,” said Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense science advisor and a Princeton professor.

“It won’t take as much flooding as in the movie to turn New York upside down.  New York’s infrastructure; the airports and the train, subway and automobile tunnels are all at serious flood risk in a greenhouse future.  Weather related shutdowns of these facilities could become the rule, rather than the exception, if global warming is not controlled,” said Krupp.

A video news release is available at and a Public Service Announcement is available at  Contact Elyse Eisenberg at 212 505-2100 for a Beta tape.  A white paper on climate change is downloadable at