With Veto, Pennsylvania Governor Stands Up for Critical Environmental Protections

Statement from Andrew Williams, EDF Senior State Regulatory and Legislative Affairs Manager

March 28, 2016
Kelsey Robinson, 512-691-3404, krobinson@edf.org

(HARRISBURG, Penn. – March 28, 2016) The Environmental Defense Fund applauds Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf for vetoing House Bill 1327 – a Fiscal Code Bill accompanying the state budget with extraneous provisions that would have unnecessarily jeopardized critical environmental and public health protections.

“By vetoing this bill, Governor Wolf  sent a strong message that Pennsylvania is serious about moving forward thoughtfully on important environmental issues, including implementing the Clean Power Plan in a way that works best for Pennsylvania, and finalizing long overdue oil and gas regulations. His veto is a sign of leadership and shows a commitment by this Administration to stand up to legislative games that could weaken important environmental protections that safeguard the health of Keystone State residents.”

·         Andrew Williams, Senior State Regulatory and Legislative Affairs Manager, Environmental Defense Fund

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Environmental Defense Fund (edf.org), a leading international nonprofit organization, creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. EDF links science, economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships. Connect with us on our Energy Exchange blog, Twitter and Facebook..