(WASHINGTON – August 1, 2017) Sen. Bill Cassidy and Rep. Garret Graves of Louisiana have filed legislation in Congress aimed at addressing failing recreational red snapper management in the Gulf of Mexico. Matt Tinning, Senior Director of EDF’s US Oceans Program had the following statement.

“The way recreational red snapper fishing is managed in the Gulf of Mexico is a nightmare. New approaches are urgently needed, and we thank those in Congress who are working to better understand this complex issue.

“We recognize that Senator Cassidy and Congressman Graves are seeking a workable solution for private anglers in the Gulf, and that they have made significant efforts to address the concerns of other sectors. At this point, however, their legislation will not effectively ensure that recreational fishing stays within science-based catch limits. Without that critical safeguard, we risk turning back the clock on the remarkable recovery of Gulf red snapper. 

“Environmental Defense Fund stands ready to work with Senator Cassidy, Congressman Graves and all stakeholders to find a way forward that provides the flexibility anglers want and deserve while ensuring the long-term conservation of the red snapper population.” 


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