Statement by Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense:

“With its debate and votes on climate change this week, the U.S. Senate signaled a clear shift in climate policy in the United States.  The Senate is clearly moving beyond a discussion of whether America will begin to deal with the issue, and instead is beginning to focus on what to do about it.

“The drive of Senators McCain and Lieberman to continually bring this issue before the Senate, coupled with the undeniable science of climate change, has resulted in a real change in the Senate.  For the first time, the Senate has staked out a position in favor of actual reductions.”

Statement by Steve Cochran, Dir. of Strategic Communications, Environmental Defense:

“During the debate on the McCain Lieberman bill, Sen. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) captured the sense of the Senate when he said, ‘History is on the side of a bill similar to this.’

“While we haven’t yet made enough progress, this is progress.  We will look forward to working with the number of Senators who sincerely made a commitment to solving this problem.”

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