Contact: Scott Faber 202 387-3500

David Cherry 202 387-3500

Senior House Democrats, led by Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), today sent a letter to Reps. Richard Gephardt and Charles Stenholm, urging them to support $4.4 billion in annual Department of Agriculture (USDA) conservation funding during Farm Bill negotiations.

Environmental Defense praised the leadership in support of conservation by Democratic Reps. Dingell, Bonior, Conyers, DeLauro, Dicks, Hoyer, Kaptur, Kildee, Kind, Levin, Lowey, Miller, Obey, Oberstar, Rahall, Slaughter, Bennie Thompson, Mike Thompson and Waxman, who joined the letter endorsing the conservation title of the Senate Farm Bill.

The letter urged Gephardt, the Minority Leader, and Stenholm, the senior Democrat on the House Agriculture Committee, to support Senate Farm Bill wildlife conservation provisions, including $246 million in annual average funding for the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program and a new $1 billion program to resolve conflicts between farmers and endangered fish.

“With the help of Reps. Gephardt and Stenholm, the next Farm Bill can finally reward farmers and ranchers when they restore wildlife habitat, improve water quality or serve as the frontline against sprawl,” said Environmental Defense water resource specialist Scott Faber.

More than 150 Democrats voted for an unsuccessful amendment to the House Farm Bill that would have dedicated $5.4 billion annually for USDA conservation programs. The amendment, offered by Reps. Dingell, Kind, Boehlert, and Gilchrest, was defeated 226 to 200.

Most farmers are not eligible for grain subsidies, so conservation payments help boost the income of all farmers, including dairy farmers, ranchers and fruit and vegetable producers.

“Rep. Dingell recognizes that the next Farm Bill should help all farmers and all regions, while also meeting our most important environmental challenges,” Faber said.

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