(Washington, DC – June 7, 2017) Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has announced plans to issue a secretarial order tomorrow that will initiate a process for reviewing federal plans for the greater sage-grouse and possibly recommend significant changes to the plans.

“Any federal review of the existing sage-grouse plans must not undo the extraordinary cooperative conservation efforts of ranchers, sportsmen, scientists, business owners, local and state officials, and countless other citizens that ultimately precluded the need to list the bird under the Endangered Species Act two years ago. These plans provide common sense protections for wildlife, ecosystems and public health, and should be allowed to persevere.

“If the wrong thread of this carefully woven fabric is removed, the whole approach could unravel and the threat of listing will be back on the table. 

“The ultimate danger of changing the existing framework is not only for the greater sage-grouse, but also for the jobs and industries that benefit from roughly $1 billion a year in economic output driven by sage-grouse habitat in the outdoor recreation and tourism sectors.”

 -          Eric Holst, Associate Vice President of Working Lands, Environmental Defense Fund 

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