(South Tucson, AZ - Sep 6, 2024) A new, free leadership program in South Tucson and Ambos Nogales will offer a unique opportunity for young leaders in the US-Mexico borderland region to explore water challenges in their communities and beyond. Set to run from September to December 2024, the the Water Leadership Institute is a joint initiative of Arizona State University's Arizona Water Innovation Initiative, Rural Community Assistance Corporation, the Environmental Defense Fund, and Rural Community Assistance Partnership.

Through a series of four no-cost training sessions that focus on hands-on engagement and knowledge exchange, the institute will offer a unique opportunity for participants to develop leadership skills, learn about water careers and contribute to conversations about water advocacy and community care. The institute is targeted toward young adults [LD1] interested in being more aware of water and climate issues, shaping solutions to community water challenges and reimagining the future of water in the borderlands – with a focus on the South Tucson area and Ambos Nogales.

“I learned something unexpected from the Leadership Institute. I learned about myself — I learned that there is help out there. It made me aware of where I want my community to go,” said Martha Madera, a previous institute graduate.

The Water Leadership Institute workshop series will run from Sept. 28 to Dec. 7, 2024. Water management or leadership experience is not a prerequisite; all that is required is a commitment to participate fully in all the sessions and a strong motivation to serve the community. Participants will receive a stipend for participation, a certificate of completion and resume support for attending the institute. If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding the program or assistance in completing the application, please contact Daniela Sherrill at ldsherri@asi.edu or 480-463-0300. 

With more than 3 million members, Environmental Defense Fund creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships to turn solutions into action. edf.org