(NEW YORK, NY) The New York Public Service Commission yesterday approved a new gas and electric rate plan for Con Edison customers in New York City and Westchester through 2022. The decision approves the utility’s budget, and utility earnings opportunities for electrifying transportation, including trucks and buses, as well as heating in buildings. The order comes six months after New York State passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, a law codifying some of the strongest climate pollution reduction requirements in the country – making New York a leader in setting strong short-term and long-term goals to cut pollution.

“The Public Service Commission’s approval to incentivize electrification in buildings, cars, trucks and buses is a step in the right direction to align utilities’ earnings opportunities with New York’s climate goals.”

“While the Order builds on a regional push to cut pollution, there’s much more to be done. In particular, the Commission passed on the opportunity to require Con Edison to engage in transparent, long-term supply planning for its natural gas system, which is necessary to align utility infrastructure investments with the state’s environmental targets.”

  • Mary Barber, Director, Regulatory and Legislative Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund

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