(Baton Rouge, LA– May 20, 2016) Yesterday, in a unanimous vote, the Louisiana Senate approved House Concurrent Resolution 2 (HCR -2), resulting in final passage of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority’s 2016-2017 annual plan for coastal protection and restoration through the legislature. The resolution directs $736 million toward coastal restoration and protection activities over the course of fiscal year 2017 – from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 – and outlines the state’s prioritization of projects during that period. This authorization will fund some of the 19 priority projects for restoring Louisiana’s coast as identified by the Restore the Mississippi River Delta Coalition.

In response, coalition members including Environmental Defense FundNational Wildlife FederationNational Audubon SocietyCoalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana and Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation released the following statement:

“We applaud the Louisiana Legislature on their continued prioritization of coastal restoration and protection at this moment in our state’s history. Without consistent, determinative action outlined in the Coastal Master Plan to confront Louisiana’s land loss crisis, more communities, industries and wildlife are at risk of further destruction.

“We are grateful to Governor John Bel Edwards and CPRA Chairman Johnny Bradberry for their leadership in defending coastal dollars and prioritizing the most promising, science-based restoration projects outlined in the state’s Coastal Master Plan. We also thank Representative Stuart J. Bishop for shepherding this resolution through the legislature.

“This annual plan recognizes the importance of coastal restoration and protection as equal pillars in ensuring a resilient future for our state, its residents, wildlife and industries. We applaud the inclusion of a comprehensive suite of projects, including barrier island restoration, sediment diversions and community resiliency efforts, that can work together to address the variety of problems afflicting our coast. We are encouraged to see the advancement of restoration in some areas impacted by the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet and recommend CPRA further prioritize restoration of this region.

“Our coalition looks forward to working with the state and others as they finalize the 2017 Coastal Master Plan that will provide an updated roadmap for coastal restoration and protection.”

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Elizabeth Van Cleve
(202) 553-2543