(EL CENTRO, CA – May 7, 2019) The Imperial Irrigation District (IID) approved an easement today that will allow construction to begin on a 3,770-acre Species Conservation Habitat project on the Salton Sea, the largest lake in California.

“EDF commends the Imperial Irrigation District and state of California for finalizing the terms of an easement agreement to allow the species conservation habitat project to move forward. This much-needed project at the southern end of the Salton Sea will control toxic dust while providing critical habitat for migratory birds.

“The easement approval by IID marks a major breakthrough in implementing the long-delayed Salton Sea Management Plan. We are hopeful that this important step forward will enable IID and the state to work collaboratively to complete other projects identified in the mangement plan. It is time to get to work. The communities living near and the wildlife dependent upon the Salton Sea can wait no longer for shovels to hit the ground.”

  • Pablo Garza, California Political Director, Ecosystems, Environmental Defense Fund

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(510) 834-2563