The House Appropriations subcommittees for EPA-Interior and Energy and Water today released their funding bills for FY2020, proposing increased allocations year-over-year by 4% and 4.5% respectively. The bills counter a Trump administration budget that undermines critical environmental and public health programs.  

“A federal budget reflects the values and priorities of Congress—and the needs of the American people. Today’s action is a strong statement that protecting and improving America’s health, environment, and climate must be among those priorities.

“We commend the committee members for their proposal to boost funding for key agencies and programs that keep American families and communities healthy and that contribute to solving climate change. For too many years, agencies such as EPA and the Department of Energy have been struggling under an administration determined fundamentally to undermine their missions. As our climate crisis grows more urgent, as pollution continues to plague children and the most vulnerable across the country, and as the Trump administration ignores its responsibility for environmental or public health stewardship, it is critical that we revitalize agencies that help address our most pressing issues. We can do so first by providing them with adequate resources to carry out their responsibilities. The House’s appropriation bills for EPA-Interior and Energy and Water are an important step in the right direction.

“Now, House leadership must stand firm in its support for these agencies, making clear when they reach conference with Senate leadership that agencies protecting people and the environment must be protected. The proposed increase in support is long overdue and should be part of any funding package put on the President’s desk for signature.”

  • Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political Affairs

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Keith Gaby
(202) 572-3336