Conservation groups today hailed the California legislature’s passage of two bills (SBX-5 and ABX-29) to ramp up investments in energy conservation in California, but called upon Governor Davis to make sure the bills are fully funded and rapidly implemented.

“These two bills are the centerpieces of a sound strategy for bringing California’s energy crisis under control,” said Doug Linney, Representative for the Coordinated Energy Campaign. “These bills had the strong support of the state’s environmental organizations, but consumer groups also saw these bills as essential. These bills, plus the Governor’s recognition of how important conservation is, made yesterday a red-letter day for California ratepayers.”

“These are the fastest, cheapest, cleanest things California can do to get through the summer without blackouts and dirtier air,” said Jim Martin, a senior policy analyst for Environmental Defense. “These bills are simple common sense.”

“The Governor should fully fund these bills and then get them and other measures already in the pipeline implemented at warp speed. Our analysis clearly shows one thing: conservation, and a lot of it, is the only thing that will keep the lights on this summer in California,” said Nancy Ryan, an economist at Environmental Defense.

“That means the Governor has a vital role to play in making sure these bills are fully funded and very aggressively implemented,” said Linney. “Every day we delay in implementing these programs is a lost opportunity to save 20 megawatts of electricity.”

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