Contact: Tim Searchinger 202 387-3500 ext 3344

David Cherry 202 387-3500 ext 3324

Environmental Defense today welcomed a new report by the National Research Council which emphasizes the urgent need to restore more natural flows along the Missouri River.

“For years, some have continued to claim that U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service demands for more natural river flows on the Missouri are not based on science,” said Environmental Defense senior attorney Tim Searchinger.

“Now one of the nation’s most prestigious scientific bodies has emphatically declared that returning the river’s natural flow is critical,” said Searchinger. “And in its calm, scientific manner, the report rings a loud alarm bell that warns without immediate change, the ecology of the river is facing complete collapse. ”

“We are also pleased that the panel went out of its way to explain why restoring the river makes economic sense, and that particular emphasis was placed on showing the marginal benefits from navigation,” Searchinger said. “At a minimum, this report seems to be calling for an end to barging on stretches of the river in Nebraska and Iowa where barges are now seen about as often as Elvis.”

The National Research Council, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, completed the report on the Missouri River at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers.

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