(7 February, 2002 — Washington) Environmental Defense today praised passage of two amendments to farm legislation in the U.S. Senate. The measures would limit federal incentives that have led to crop surpluses, low prices and the destruction of valuable habitat for agricultural use.

One amendment, sponsored by Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), limits farm subsidies for land that is already in crop production.

“The Durbin amendment promises great environmental benefits because it means farm programs will no longer encourage farmers to plow up native prairies and other valuable habitats,” said Environmental Defense senior attorney Tim Searchinger. “In the last two decades, farmers have plowed up more than 22 million acres of grasslands, despite the fact that most years have seen crop surpluses and low prices. This practice has led to the increased use of fertilizer and pesticides and contributed to the decline of many important and rare grassland birds.”

“We are gratified that the Senate passed this amendment, and Senator Durbin deserves great praise for crafting an amendment that benefits the environment and farmers alike,” Searchinger said.

Searchinger also praised the Senate’s passage of an amendment by Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND) to limit the size of federal subsidies to individual farms.

“The Senate’s endorsement of payment limitations should also relieve some of the pressure to plant crops on excess lands, particularly in cotton-growing reaches of the country. Over the years, excess subsidies in this area have led to the loss of vast areas of wetlands. This amendment not only means greater fairness, but environmental relief as well,” said Searchinger.

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