David Yarnold, Environmental Defense, 212-616-1304
Amy Kozakiewicz, Sard Verbinnen & Co, 212-687-8080

(New York - January 25, 2007) - Environmental Defense, a leading national nonprofit organization, today announced that Jon Anda, Vice Chairman at Morgan Stanley, has agreed to serve as President of the new Environmental Markets Network (EMN), a collaboration designed to enlist top leaders of America’s financial community to serve as advocates for market-based economic solutions to global environmental and climate issues.

Under the auspices of Environmental Defense, the new Environmental Markets Network will provide a platform on which the sharpest minds in the financial and policymaking communities can stand together, plan for the future of the environment and be heard by crucial decision-makers. Initially, the EMN will focus on climate change legislation, where a cap on greenhouse gas emissions and a sound trading system offer a roadmap for economic growth and sound environmental policy. EMN will provide a resource for policymakers in Washington, communicate with the public and press, link academic research with sound action and convert market knowledge into environmental solutions.

Mr. Anda, who will relinquish his post at Morgan Stanley, has been associated with the firm since 1986, having served as both Global Head of Capital Markets and Head of Corporate Finance, as well as running both Investment Banking and Institutional Equities in Asia. He is a member of the President’s Advisory Council of Environmental Defense and currently sits on the Board of Trustees of The Asia Society.

Said Fred Krupp, President of Environmental Defense, “Jon Anda brings great credibility to an idea whose time has come.  Financial experts know that efficient markets find the best solutions and Jon is someone they can trust to help articulate real-world solutions.   We are delighted that he is bringing his considerable skills, insight and highly relevant experience to the cause.”

Said Jon Anda, “I have had a long and proud association with Morgan Stanley but I can not pass up this tremendous public service opportunity. I look forward to applying my capital markets experience to help create a global cap on greenhouse gas emissions and a trading system for credits.  The beauty is in the details, and we need the support of the financial industry to get those details right.”

Said John Mack, Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley, “Jon has been a tremendously effective partner at Morgan Stanley and I am confident that he will be equally effective in helping to address the urgent mission of the new EMN. All of us at Morgan Stanley wish him well and much success in his new public service endeavor.”

One of the world’s leading international nonprofit organizations, Environmental Defense Fund ( creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships. With more than 3 million members and offices in the United States, China, Mexico, Indonesia and the European Union, EDF’s scientists, economists, attorneys and policy experts are working in 28 countries to turn our solutions into action. Connect with us on Twitter @EnvDefenseFund