The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) today welcomed the call from a key stakeholder group for early reductions of the greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. For more than a year EDF has been promoting a proposal under which companies achieving early reductions in greenhouse gas emissions would receive emissions reduction credits from the government. The group lauded the Pew Center on Global Climate Change’s call today for early action by business and for new government policies to reward such action. The Pew Center on Global Climate Change, a cooperative effort involving major companies and other organizations, released an analysis today which concluded that the US Congress should take action to encourage voluntary reduction of greenhouse gases. EDF’s proposal for credit for early action is included in the report.

“The Pew Center’s analysis clearly shows that business self-interest and environmental protection can converge in a well designed credit-for-early-action program. Under such a program, greenhouse gas reductions will occur sooner and the companies making those reductions will enjoy the economic benefit and cost-savings provided by emissions credits they can use in the future,” said EDF attorney Joseph Goffman.

“Today’s report reflects the growing appreciation in the business community that market-based environmental programs can provide both economic and environmental benefits. Policy-makers here and abroad must share in this recognition if they want to continue to make progress in grappling with the climate change issue,” said Daniel J. Dudek, EDF senior economist.

“This call for congressional action, coming from an organization with a substantial base in the business community, can provide an essential ingredient for successful legislation in the next Congress,” said Steve Cochran, EDF’s legislative director. “This report is a step away from the polarized politics that have dominated this debate. We hope Congress responds constructively to this beneficial challenge.”

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