(Raleigh, NC – May 21, 2012)  Governor Bev Perdue today issued an Executive Order directing a multi-agency work group to conduct studies and develop recommendations for the regulatory frameworks, protocols and safeguards that North Carolina would need before allowing natural gas development using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.  The following statement may be attributed to Jane Preyer, North Carolina director of Environmental Defense Fund.  Contact Jane at jpreyer@edf.org or 919-740-6727.

The process outlined by the Governor avoids a rush to drilling and emphasizes a responsible and deliberative approach.  If the state decides down the road to allow natural gas drilling, doing it as safely as possible is much more important than doing it quickly. 

“Gov. Perdue sends a clear signal that she will work actively with legislators who support a responsible approach to natural gas development, provided that the state has safeguards in place that protect the health of citizens and communities.  Safety should be the priority for North Carolina’s landowners, communities and environment.

“Citizens should applaud getting the facts out for everyone to see and to developing strong policies that protect North Carolina.”  

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Georgette Foster