“We’re disappointed by Judge James Boasberg’s decision to deny the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s motion for a preliminary injunction. EDF had not been working on the Dakota Access Pipeline issue, but like everyone else we’re keenly aware of it now. When you see attack dogs used on Native American protesters, that calls to mind some of the ugliest chapters in American history. And we continue to have concerns about whether the proper environmental and cultural review processes were followed.

“We support the Obama administration’s decision to halt construction of the pipeline on territory under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers until such time as a more thorough assessment of the environmental and cultural impacts can be completed.  Unfortunately, our nation’s history is replete with examples of the interests of Native American tribes being dismissed or subordinated to other priorities, and we welcome this opportunity to begin a conversation about how to reverse that trend.”


-       Dan Grossman, National Director of State Programs, Oil and Gas, Environmental Defense Fund

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Lauren Whittenberg
(512) 691-3437