(SACRAMENTO, CA – February 12, 2019) “EDF thanks Felicia Marcus for her outstanding public service as chair of the California State Water Resources Control Board since 2012. Drawing on her deep knowledge and broad private and public experience, she has been fair and even-handed as she has helped guide California through some incredibly tough water challenges, including the historic drought from 2011 to 2015. Marcus recently showed leadership in steering the board to increase water flows in the San Joaquin River system to reverse the collapse of fisheries, while leaving the door open for voluntary settlements.

“At the same time, EDF applauds Gov. Gavin Newsom’s appointment of Joaquin Esquivel as chair and Laurel Firestone as a member of the Water Board. Since his appointment in 2017, Esquivel has already demonstrated his deep commitment to understanding all sides of an issue and been fair-minded in his approach. Firestone brings a strong track record as an experienced water attorney and fierce advocate for the needs of California’s most disadvantaged communities to the board. We have no doubt her energy and passion will serve California well as we face several seemingly intractable challenges in the water arena, including providing safe, clean drinking water to all residents. We believe these appointments are a strong signal that Gov. Newsom will keep California moving forward toward a future more resilient to climate change, with a more sustainable water system that supports people, the economy and ecosystems.”

  • Maurice Hall, Associate VP, Ecosystems – Water, Environmental Defense Fund

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