(WASHINGTON – January 15, 2014) “Eileen Sobeck’s appointment as the new Assistant Administrator of NOAA Fisheries comes at a critical time. In many federal fisheries, management is changing. Conservation and economic interests are being aligned to deliver healthier fisheries, more prosperous coastal communities, greater recreational opportunities, and a more stable seafood supply. In many regions, a history of chronic overfishing has been addressed and recovery is underway.

“Yet significant challenges remain: challenges that will require creativity, cooperation and leadership to overcome.

“All of us at Environmental Defense Fund congratulate Assistant Administrator Sobeck on her appointment. We look forward to working with her—together with commercial fishermen, recreational anglers, fisheries managers and other stakeholders—to find common-sense, win-win solutions that can secure a vibrant fishing future.”

  • Matt Tinning, Senior Campaigns Director, EDF Oceans Program


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