(Austin – Feb.18, 2010) In response to mounting public concern related to shale gas production and the use of hydraulic fracturing, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and Subcommittee Chairman Edward Markey are sending letters today to eight oil and gas companies requesting data on the types and quantities of chemicals used in the “fracking” process. 

In response, the following statements are made by Environmental Defense Fund Senior Policy Advisor Scott Anderson:

“We commend Chairman Waxman and Subcommittee Chairman Markey for this important step. There is no reason that gas producers need to run roughshod over the environment in order to increase natural gas supplies.

“Because the problem of global warming is so severe and the time for action so short, all low and lower carbon energy options, including natural gas, should be considered as part of the nation’s energy mix, but only if such options can be accomplished without significant adverse health or environmental impacts.”

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