Washington (November 13)  —U.S. non-profit group Environmental Defense Fund applauds Brazil’s bold move to declare a national target to reduce its estimated greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.

Brazilian officials pledged Friday to lower projected 2020 emissions by 36% to 39%, making Brazil the first major emerging economy to declare a national-level target for 2020. Brazil had already pledged to cut its emissions from tropical deforestation 80% by that date.

“Other emerging economies aren’t even publicly discussing national targets like this,” said Steve Schwartzman, EDF’s Tropical Forest Policy Director. “Brazil is way out in front. What we’re seeing is the emergence of a new global leader on clean energy and climate.”

“Brazil’s national target is a powerful gesture that could shift the dynamics of the U.N. climate talks in Copenhagen this December,” said Schwartzman.

“Other nations are watching Brazil, and they see the world is headed toward an emissions cap and those who move swiftly are going to grab the advantage. That has a big impact.”

Steve Schwartzman / 001-202-746-9201 /
Andrea Welsh/ 001-202-297-7723 /

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