(AUSTIN, Texas - January 5, 2016) Robert E. Jones, regional director for the Gulf of Mexico at Environmental Defense Fund, made the following statement regarding the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana’s ruling upholding sector separation in the Gulf red snapper fishery:

“We applaud the court’s ruling because sector separation will better meet the needs of all participants in the recreational fishery. Separate catch limits for charter fishermen and private anglers in the Gulf can enable better management options that will end persistent overharvests while allowing greater access to the resource.

“We filed an amicus brief in this case because one-size-fits-all management for diverse types of fishing was failing miserably. We look forward to working with private anglers, charter captains and regulators to help design tailored management approaches for each component that maximize sustainable fishing opportunities, continue to rebuild red snapper and promote healthy coastal economies.”

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(202) 572-3272