Environmental Defense and the California Hydropower Reform Coalition today applauded Governor Davis’s proposal to protect scenic and recreational lands in the Sierra Nevada that are owned by Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Southern California Edison Company. The Governor’s plan calls for the utilities to establish conservation easements on prime watershed lands that surround their hydroelectric facilities in order to allow public access and to protect their natural, scenic, recreational, and watershed values.

Johanna Thomas of Environmental Defense said, “These lands are some of the most beautiful, unspoiled private lands in the Sierra. This is a big step forward towards protecting natural resources and public access on lands that are now threatened. While we believe that some of these lands should be transferred to the state, we see this as significant progress.”

Steve Wald of the California Hydropower Reform Coalition said, “The Governor’s plan is really the silver lining in what is otherwise a pretty dark situation. These lands are enormously valuable for wildlife, recreation, and open space, but they are also vulnerable. This is the right thing to do.”

“There are still a lot of details to be ironed out,” said Wald. “We believe many of these lands can best be protected by transferring ownership to the state,” he continued. “But conservation easements would be appropriate for other lands, and some could be transferred to land trusts, local governments, and others.”

Both Environmental Defense and the California Hydropower Reform Coalition committed to work with the Governor, the legislators, and local interests to flesh out the plan. “This proposal will create a lasting legacy for all Californians. We’re committing to working round the clock to make it happen,” said Johanna Thomas of Environmental Defense.

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