(SACRAMENTO – September 16, 2017) Legislators chose not to bring SB 100 (de León) to a vote yesterday in the California State Assembly, the last day of year one of a two-year legislative session. This landmark bill would have increased California’s current renewable energy goal from 50 to 60 percent by 2030 and set a state-wide target to power 100 percent of California’s electricity with renewable and zero-carbon resources by 2045.

“California’s leaders chose not to vote for 100% clean energy yesterday. The state will have the chance to take this up next year and seize the opportunity to create more jobs, boost the economy, and cut harmful pollution. The Golden State has worked hard to foster and maintain one of the largest renewable energy markets in the nation, and will keep moving towards bold goals that build healthy communities and a strong economy.”

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Chloe Looker
(415) 293-6122