“Reducing heavy metal levels in baby food is key to protecting children’s brain development from the harmful impact of these contaminants in their diet. The bill that will be introduced by Representatives Krishnamoorthi and Cárdenas and Senators Klobuchar and Duckworth is an important step in this effort – providing a framework to significantly drive down levels of lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury in baby food. 

“Among other provisions, the Baby Food Safety Act would amend the Food Safety Modernization Act to require food manufacturers to develop and implement preventive controls to reduce heavy metals in baby food. This effectively treats heavy metals in the same manner as pathogens – an apt comparison as the only ‘safe’ level of either in food is zero.

“We applaud Reps. Krishnamoorthi and Cárdenas and Sens. Klobuchar and Duckworth for introducing this bill and for their leadership on this issue. While the Food and Drug Administration recently announced new steps to reduce heavy metals in food, the agency fell short. Families need the FDA to be held accountable and to make our food supply safer – especially for the youngest among us.”  

Tom Neltner, EDF Chemicals Policy Director

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