(27 October, 2003 — Washington)  Environmental Defense today called on all U.S. Senators to vote for the McCain Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act this Thursday.  The Act is the first proposal for a bi-partisan and comprehensive national policy to cut the greenhouse gas pollution disrupting the Earth’s climate.  An independent M.I.T. analysis puts the low annual estimated cost of the measure at $15-20 per household in 2010.  The vote is scheduled for Thursday, October 30, 2003.

“Under this responsible plan, about a nickel a day helps keep global warming away.  At a low estimated cost of less than 5-and-a-half cents a day per household in 2010, it gives Senators an easy choice between doing something or doing nothing about climate change.  Thursday’s Senate climate vote pits responsible action and low costs against denial and high consequences,” said Environmental Defense president Fred Krupp.  “Senators should vote for this moderate and affordable first step to protect our country and our children from greenhouse gas pollution.”

“Greenhouse gases accumulate slowly.  Action now to reduce emissions can stabilize the climate without economic disruption.  A do nothing, head-in-the-sand approach only means our children will pay the piper - and pay him much more.  The McCain Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act is the way to address global warming responsibly and minimize the risk of serious economic disruption later,” said Peter Goldmark, director of the Environmental Defense global and regional air program. 

More than 20 national environmental groups have signed onto a joint letter endorsing the Climate Stewardship Act and calling for its passage.  Contact Allan Margolin at (212) 505-2100 for a copy of the letter.

The October 30 vote will give Senators the chance to participate in a real debate about the only thing that counts on climate policy - getting greenhouse gas pollution to go down, not up. 

[The complete MIT study can be viewed or downloaded at

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