Displaying 1301 - 1325 of 1396
Blog post
Historic vote on methane pollution shows we can still fight and win
May 10, 2017The rejected attempt by the administration and Senate Republicans to overturn the Bureau of Land Management’s methane pollution rule is a resounding triumph of cooler heads over rank ideology and special interests.More on:
Upping the ante on corporate climate leadership - by a gigaton
April 19, 2017 | Fred Krupp, PresidentThe world's largest retailer recently announced Project Gigaton, arguably one of the most ambitious efforts to reduce climate pollution by any U.S. corporation. -
6 ways to cut big waste in our energy system
March 31, 2017Americans spend $350 billion a year on electricity — three-quarters going to waste. EDF offers 6 ways we can cut waste in our energy system.More on:
Interactive tool
Grading the nation: Interactive map
March 23, 2017An interactive map shows grades for each US state and the District of Columbia based on lead pipe disclosure policies and documents related mandatory disclosures in real estate transactions.More on:
Louisiana regional economic impacts of land loss
March 21, 20172017 study sponsored by EDF underscores regional economic costs of Louisiana coastal loss loss as well as job creation through restoration.More on:
Clean energy is building a new American workforce
March 15, 2017Despite shifting energy policy, the clean energy economy remains a big source of jobs – at 4 million, with wind and solar jobs outpacing those in coal.More on:
Blog post
New report grades every state on disclosure of lead pipes in homes
March 14, 2017 | Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer ChemicalsNew Report Grades Every State on Disclosure of Lead Pipes in Homes; EDF report shows 12 states get failing grade, only 3 A- grades -
Nation’s Largest City-Owned Utility Uses Equity Metrics to Ensure All Residents Have Clean Energy
March 1, 2017The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) released the Equity Metrics Data Initiative (EMDI) to help ensure the utility’s investments and programs are reaching all Angelenos.More on:
The true cost of carbon pollution
February 28, 2017Measuring the social cost of carbon allows federal agencies to see which pollution-reducing rules are a good deal, and which cause economic harm.More on:
Blog post
Cincinnati and Ohio show leadership in identifying and disclosing lead service lines
January 9, 2017 | Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer ChemicalsKnowing if you have a lead service line (LSL) can help you decide whether to use a filter or replace the line.More on:
Blog post
How Companies Set Internal Prices on Carbon
December 8, 2016Despite the uncertainty created by the recent election, companies around the globe are demonstrating a commitment to keeping climate change in check. -
Supply Chain Solutions Center
November 12, 2016The Supply Chain Solutions Center is a digital hub for sustainability resources, best practices, thought leadership and news.More on:
Reducing harmful chemicals in our food
October 19, 2016EDF focuses our efforts where we will have the largest impact: the chemicals that harm young children and that we know we can reduce.More on:
Clean Energy Progress
October 12, 2016The U.S. Clean Energy Progress Map shows the economic impact of clean energy growth across the country. The map is a non-partisan, free-to-use public resource that captures investments and jobs in the U.S. wind, solar and energy efficiency industries.More on:
Interactive tool
ICAO's market-based measure
September 27, 2016An interactive tool to see how additional countries' support for the MBM can boost coverage of international aviation emissions.More on:
Habitat Quantification Tool
September 16, 2016The HQT uses a different approach designed to bring greater confidence to conservation decisions. -
Interactive tool
Interactive chart: Forty years of sound policy
September 6, 2016An interactive chart to understand and track the relationship between policies and average blood lead levels of pre-school aged children.More on:
Doubling down on carbon pricing
August 30, 2016A technical report detailing a range of possibilities to achieve goals set by the High-Level Carbon Pricing Panel.More on:
August 29, 2016The International Fisheries Information Network provides expert data analysis and policy guidance on the relationship between fishery management and outcomes.More on:
Blog post
People deserve to know if lead pipes and paint are present where they live and work
August 20, 2016 | Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer ChemicalsPeople should be able to readily know if lead is present in the paint and water pipes where they live and work when they begin making important decisions.More on:
Twelve opportunities to curb climate change and promote shared global prosperity
July 29, 2016By the end of this century, the single most crucial indicator of human well-being will be the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. -
Blog post
Mapping lead service lines: DC Water offers a model for utilities across the nation
July 25, 2016 | Lindsay McCormick, Senior Program Manager, Safer ChemicalsWashington, DC’s water utility launched an interactive map allowing residents to see whether water pipes are lead, non-lead, or if there’s no information.More on:
Restore the Mississippi River Delta
July 8, 2016Coalition of EDF and other groups working to rebuild coastal Louisiana’s nationally-significant landscape to protect people, wildlife and jobs.More on:
Clean Air Moms Action
July 5, 2016Clean Air Moms Action calls on lawmakers to take immediate action to address the growing threat of a warming climate and guarantee clean air for our kids.More on:
Climate pollution standards for new and modified sources, 111(b)
July 1, 2016Legal briefs on EPA's standards to put limits on new and modified power plants, 111(b).More on: