Displaying 1201 - 1225 of 1396
Students, scientists and advocates track pollution
June 20, 2019How members of the 100x100 team brought their varied experiences to the projectMore on:
Monarch butterfly resources
June 18, 2019A comprehensive list of monarch butterfly resources compiled by Environmental Defense Fund. -
Toxic consequences of Trump’s chemical safety attacks
June 17, 2019EDF's report, Toxic Consequences, highlights the Trump administration's major threats to the reformed Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).More on:
Consumer trust is falling. Here’s how companies can earn it back.
May 24, 2019Environmentally-conscious shoppers are expected to spend up to $150 billion on sustainable products by 2021, an increase of almost 15% since 2018.More on:
How climate change plunders the planet
April 30, 2019A warming Earth disturbs weather, people, animals and much more. Here, we explore three critical effects of climate change.More on:
Tackling lead in drinking water at child care facilities
April 26, 2019 | Lindsay McCormick, Senior Program Manager, Safer ChemicalsEnvironmental Defense Fund’s Lindsay McCormick discusses a pilot project to test for and remediate sources of lead in water at child care facilities.More on:
Getting smart on climate solutions and impacts
April 25, 2019Compilation of fact sheet with details of how we can quickly and efficiently reduce pollution and how climate change will impact usMore on:
Nitrogen Management in North Carolina Agriculture: Results from Five Years of On-Farm Research
April 25, 2019EDF report provides the most comprehensive data set ever collected about on-farm nitrogen management practices in North Carolina, to identify fertilizer solutions that increase operational resilience and improve economic and environmental outcomes.More on:
April 11, 2019How EDF estimated annual methane emissions from oil and gas sites in New Mexico.More on:
April 11, 2019Updated EDF analysis shows that New Mexico’s upstream oil and gas problem with methane waste and pollution has persisted and grown.More on:
What to Look For in Proposed Climate Change Solutions
April 10, 2019EDF recommends that federal legislation to help the United State achieve net-zero climate pollution by 2050 lock in pollution reductions, grow the economy, and protect vulnerable populations. But what specifically should that look like? -
Cutting methane emissions via regulatory innovation
April 4, 2019Here are some of the challenges innovators must face when coming up with a regulatory framework that encourages innovation to control methane emissions.More on:
Blog post
Innovative auctions made energy storage prices plummet
April 1, 2019By flipping traditional auction models, the power sector could see the expansion of energy storage take off. -
How to reverse the overfishing crisis
April 1, 2019By giving fishers long-term and secure rights, we can make sustainability a priority. EDF explains how we can reverse the overfishing crisis.More on:
Congress: Approve the Colorado River Plan as a model for climate resilience
March 23, 2019 | David H. Festa, Former Advisor, EcosystemsAfter years of hard work and difficult negotiations, a historic seven-state agreement to conserve Colorado River water is facing its last hurdle: Congress. March 23, 2019 op-ed by EDF's David Festa in The Hill.More on:
Navajo Nation natural gas waste report
March 20, 2019 | Jon Goldstein, Associate Vice President, Energy TransitionAn updated report sheds light on the natural gas wasted on Navajo Nation lands, and offers recommendations for this problem and its negative effects.More on:
Research to Move Toward Evidence-Based Recommendations for Lead Service Line Disclosure Policies in Home Buying and Home Renting Scenarios
March 18, 2019 | Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer ChemicalsThis paper summarizes home buying/renting studies used to evaluate disclosure styles, perceived risk of the LSL in a home, and their willingness to act.More on:
Blog post
Accelerating clean energy innovation is key to solving the climate crisis
March 14, 2019 | Susanne Brooks, Former Senior Director, U.S. Climate Policy & AnalysisClean energy innovation agenda can attract bipartisan support in Congress, even as the debate over broader climate policy remains gridlocked.More on:
This female scientist ignored the doubters. Good for us.
March 7, 2019Ilissa Ocko shrugged off criticism to study science. Now she skillfully explains in plain English how climate change affects us all.More on:
Smart Boats and Networked Fisheries
March 5, 2019New technologies cannot themselves fix the fisheries crisis that we face. But as EDF lays out in this report, they do open an unprecedented window of opportunity to dramatically broaden access to the fishery management approaches that have been proven to work.More on:
This is the high-tech future of fishing
March 4, 2019Equipping boats with digital tools could help stem fishing industry losses while targeting the biggest threat to our oceans — overfishing.More on:
Can New York reinvent urban transit?
February 28, 2019 | Andrew H. Darrell, Chief of Strategy, Global Energy & FinanceLearn how New York City could modernize transit for faster commutes & reduced greenhouse gases. EDF Engage is hosted by Miriam Horn. This episode was recorded on February 28, 2019.More on:
Blog post
What food companies can learn from Smithfield Foods exceeding its grain sustainability goal
February 25, 2019Smithfield's grain sustainability interventions as well as their manure-to-energy projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2025.More on:
Colorado Near-Term Policy Advising
February 19, 2019This whitepaper from Evolved Energy Research builds on previous EDF analysis, which examines the current and future carbon inventories for the state of Colorado, addressing two topics: wedge analysis & potential policy levers, and carbon policy discussion.More on:
Phthalates in food
February 4, 2019Ortho-phthalates (phthalates) are a class of chemicals commonly found in many types of food. Here's why we should be paying more attention to them.More on: