Displaying 551 - 575 of 1396
How Climate Change Will Impact U.S. Corn, Soybean and Wheat Yields
October 18, 2022Extreme heat, changing rainfall and other climate change impacts will make it harder to grow staple crops in the U.S. as soon as 2030. A new report from EDF uses computer models to analyze how climate change will alter yields of staple crops in Iowa, Minnesota and Kansas.More on:
Climate change will slow U.S. crop yield growth by 2030
October 18, 2022Extreme heat, changing rainfall and other climate change impacts will make it harder to grow staple crops in the U.S. as soon as 2030. This report from EDF uses computer models to analyze how climate change will alter yields of staple crops in Iowa, Minnesota and Kansas.More on:
Linking Inclusive Finance with Inclusive Insurance in the United States Through Community Development Financial Institutions
October 12, 2022 | Carolyn Kousky, Associate Vice President, Economics and Policy AnalysisIn this report, EDF and partners examine the financing challenges that small businesses in low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities face after a disaster. We suggest two innovative risk transfer models to improve the recovery of small businesses in disadvantaged areas from weather-related extremes, with spillover benefits for their broader communities.More on:
How to get a job investing millions in planet saving tech
October 11, 2022On this episode of EDF's Degrees podcast, we talk with Mia Diawara and learn about opportunities to invest in 100% beef that never had hooves, fully electric passenger planes, kelp-farming, carbon-sinking robots, and a fungus that both eats carbon and pays farmers.More on:
Growing the Grid: A Plan to Accelerate California’s Clean Energy Transition
October 11, 2022This report from CATF and EDF identifies the challenges to achieving California’s clean energy transition through the lens of the new and repurposed electricity infrastructure needed to reach state climate and clean energy goals.More on:
Solutions Fall 2022: Water, water everywhere
October 10, 2022Climate change promises a stormier future. Ten years after Sandy, New York and New Jersey are still seeking innovative ways to live with water.More on:
Blog post
How to stop worrying about gas prices for good: Act quickly to fully decarbonize the economy
October 10, 2022 | Katelyn Roedner Sutter, California State DirectorThis past summer, Californians have been hit hard by inflation: rising food costs, utility bills and nowhere more obviously than at the gas pump. The cost to fill up a tank has many potential causes and lots of experts are weighing in. -
The jobs of the future to fight wildfires
October 4, 2022On this episode of EDF's Degrees podcast, we talk with US Forest Service research ecologist Frank Kanawha Lake, who is bringing Indigenous ways of knowing to managing fire into the 21st century. Tune in to learn about what we can do to address wildfires, and how you could use your job to be a part of solutions.More on:
Experts share perspectives on EDF’s fight to slow climate change
October 3, 2022In this segment of CNBC's the Climate Clock, Sonal Bhutra talks to various stakeholders of EDF on EDF's fight against climate change and how innovation can help fight climate change. -
Public health officials in Indore meet to discuss clean air for health agenda
October 3, 2022Members of Indore’s public health community came together at the Sayaji Hotel on May 5, 2022, to discuss how to promote clean air solutions in the city at a health sector stakeholder engagement workshop.More on:
EU’s €5.2 billion for hydrogen must avoid adverse climate impacts
October 3, 2022The European Commission yesterday approved €5.2 billion in subsidies for hydrogen projects. Recently released research from Environmental Defense Fund outlines the risks of hydrogen’s near-term adverse climate impacts if not carefully deployed.More on:
EDF Europe study shows urgency for EU to address shipping emissions
October 3, 2022The cargo ships that move goods across our oceans are the heart of world trade—but the greenhouse gas emissions they release are one of the world’s thorniest decarbonisation challenges. -
Europe’s role in reducing methane emissions is critical to slow global warming
October 3, 2022As the world’s largest fossil gas importer, Europe is uniquely positioned to set the gold standard for methane mitigation and drive down emissions not only in Europe, but globally. -
Inefficient and unlit natural gas flares both emit large quantities of methane
September 29, 2022 | Dr. Daniel Zavala-Araiza, Senior Scientist IIEDF co-authored a study in published in journal Science, which finds that climate-warming methane emissions from flaring, the practice of burning off gas rather than capturing it for productive use, are five times higher than government estimates — primarily due to unlit and malfunctioning flares.More on:
Building a Black community for green jobseekers
September 27, 2022The good news: Climate action offers a huge job opportunity. The bad news: The environmental workforce remains overwhelmingly white. But not if Wes Gobar can help it. EDF's Degrees podcast talks with him about his journey and why the planet needs us to diversify the green workforce.More on:
Press release
Worldwide Electric Vehicle Investments Will Grow to More Than $626 Billion By 2030 – New Report
September 27, 2022 | Peter Zalzal, Distinguished Counsel & Associate Vice President, Clean Air StrategiesWorldwide Electric Vehicle Investments Will Grow to More Than $626 Billion By 2030 – New ReportMore on:
Federal clean cars rollback cases
September 26, 2022An archived list of federal clean cars rollback cases.More on:
D.C. Circuit cases on state authority
September 26, 2022An archived list of D.C. Circuit cases on state authority.More on:
Sustainable investment leader Taeun Kwon on women money and saving the planet
September 23, 2022Taeun Kwon, 32, is so passionate about replacing finance’s power structure of “pale, male and stale” with women’s leadership that she founded a global organization to help women transform the status quo. Kwon and EDF's Degrees host Yesh Pavlik Slenk have a lively conversation about the connection between climate change, power, gender and money.More on:
Including forestry in an emissions trading scheme: Lessons from New Zealand
September 23, 2022 | Suzi Kerr, Senior Vice President, EconomicsStudy co-authored by EDF analyzes the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) to examine the role of the forestry sector in mitigating climate change and how emissions trading might drive behavior change.More on:
Blog post
The ambition-raising opportunity of reducing methane emissions
September 22, 2022 | Alice Alpert, Senior ScientistMeaningful methane emission reductions are not only possible—such efforts can potentially have a massive impact on warming.More on:
Ambitious climate mitigation pathways for U.S. agriculture and forestry: vision for 2030 [PDF]
September 21, 2022 | Amy Hughes, Director, Markets and Finance, Climate-Smart AgricultureThis EDF report provides the first set of science-based targets for annual emission reductions from U.S. farms, ranches and forests.More on:
The woman greening the golden arches
September 20, 2022Can you use your MBA to save the planet? EDF's Degrees podcast asks the chief sustainability officer at McDonald’s, Jenny McColloch, who has one of the most influential sustainability jobs in the business world: leading the effort to green McDonald’s nearly 40,000 restaurants.More on:
The biggest opportunities to cut U.S. agricultural emissions this decade
September 20, 2022Farming and forestry solutions are necessary to stabilize the climate. This report from Environmental Defense Fund and ICF provides the first set of science-based targets for annual emission reductions from U.S. farms, ranches and forests.More on:
Tackling enteric methane
September 15, 2022 | Katie Anderson, Senior Director, Business, Food and ForestsThis EDF report shares new data about dairy and beef producers’ perspectives on enteric methane emissions and mitigation solutions: how likely they would be to adopt an enteric solution today, what kinds of barriers would prevent them from doing so and what features or incentives could streamline implementation.More on: