Displaying 476 - 500 of 1396
EDF explains: How can we innovate to solve climate change?
January 27, 2023 | Natasha Vidangos, Senior Director, Climate Innovation and TechnologyNatasha Vidangos, Senior Director of Climate Innovation and Technology, explains climate innovation and how we can innovate to solve climate change. -
Onshore Oil and Natural Gas Operations on Federal and Tribal Lands in the United States
January 26, 2023Economic analysis commissioned by Environmental Defense Fund and Taxpayers for Common Sense finds oil and gas companies operating on U.S. public and tribal lands wasted over $500 million worth of gas in 2019, the most recent year of data available that is reflective of the industry.More on:
2023-01-25 NJBPU Order SJI Merger
January 25, 2023 | Erin Murphy, Director & Sr. Attorney, Clean Air & Energy Markets2023-01-25 NJBPU Order SJI Merger -
U.S. Climate Innovation Resource List
January 25, 2023Need to know where to start on climate research. Behold our climate innovation reading list. -
Improving Water Planning in Texas
January 23, 2023 | Vanessa Puig-Williams, Senior Director, Climate Resilient Water SystemsThis report explains the process by which Texas Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) have executed their statutorily required planning function to arrive at a Desired Future Condition (DFC) and the inextricable link that exists between DFC development and state water planning.More on:
Blog post
Tackling Transferred Emissions: Climate Principles for Oil and Gas Mergers and Acquisitions
January 19, 2023 | Andrew Baxter, Senior Director, Business and Energy TransitionWhile transactions in the oil and gas industry can increase reputational, climate, and transition risks, they also present opportunities for industry players to lead on creating a new paradigm for oil and gas transactions that is more compatible with global net zero goals. A new report from EDF and Ceres outlines ways to take advantage of these opportunities.More on:
What Is Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal?
January 18, 2023All future climate scenarios that hold planetary warming close to 1.5 °C by 2050 will require massive cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, supplemented by the use of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods to clean up leftover heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.More on:
Sub-seafloor Geologic Storage of Captured CO2
January 18, 2023Carbon dioxide can be permanently stored under the seabed in geologic reservoirs.More on:
Ocean Fertilization
January 18, 2023Marine plants and algae, like phytoplankton, take up CO2 during photosynthesis, and this can increase the ocean’s uptake of atmospheric CO2.More on:
Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal Methods
January 18, 2023This booklet from EDF and partners provides a primer on various ocean CDR strategies, summarizing the theory behind each technique, the current state of knowledge of their carbon storage potential and associated costs, technical readiness, and potential environmental and social impacts.More on:
Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
January 18, 2023Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE), also termed enhanced weathering (EW), aims to alter seawater chemistry, usually by spreading finely ground alkaline minerals like silicates and carbonates in seawater or on coastal lands.More on:
Macroalgal Open-Ocean Mariculture and Sinking
January 18, 2023Macroalgae, or seaweeds, are large, plantlike organisms that grow naturally in the ocean and, like land plants, take up and store carbon via photosynthesis.More on:
Electrochemical Ocean-Based CDR Methods
January 18, 2023Electricity can be used to remove carbon dioxide from seawater by driving well-understood chemical reactions that either liberate carbon dioxide gas from the seawater for capture and sequestration, or alter seawater’s chemical balances to enable it to store more CO2 than it naturally would.More on:
Blue Carbon: At a Glance
January 18, 2023“Blue carbon” methods are a wide-ranging category of nature-based climate solutions that aim to preserve or enhance the ocean’s natural CO2 capture and storage capacity by protecting, restoring, or better managing specific ocean ecosystems.More on:
Blog post
The power grid and disinformation
January 17, 2023 | Colin Leyden, State Director, TexasTexans know better than to believe the lies. But, whenever severe weather strikes the state and the isolated electric grid is imperiled, they’re always fed them: “Green energy” is offered up as the ultimate scapegoat, facts be damned. Why doesn’t the Wall Street Journal editorial board know better? Last week, they ran a piece blaming …More on:
WSJ: There’s a climate solution in dairy cows’ stomachs
January 16, 2023 | Fred Krupp, PresidentA new partnership will work to reduce methane emissions from production of milk around the world.More on:
Non-linear reduction in nitrous oxide emissions through alternative management of groundnut and millets in India
January 13, 2023 | Kritee K, Senior ScientistThis EDF report shares the results of a multi-year study conducted on five farms in India to measure nitrous oxide emissions from different nitrogen application rates in different cropping systems. It shows that carefully chosen alternative practices (with lower nitrogen rates) can achieve a triple win: farmers get similar or better yields, similar or higher profits, and must lower nitrous oxide emissions.More on:
How much carbon storage can we expect from cropland soils?
December 27, 2022Learn how much carbon cropland soils can store by exploring two white papers from EDF.More on:
Blog post
Federal R&D funds are key to solving enteric methane challenge, keeping U.S. agriculture competitive
December 25, 2022 | Britt Groosman, Senior Vice President, Agriculture, Water and FoodAs the U.S. works to stabilize the climate and foster innovative domestic industries, reducing emissions from agriculture — currently about 10% of annual emissions — is a critical piece of the puzzle. Yet federal R&D investments in agricultural climate solutions remain 35 times smaller than clean energy R&D investments. Of the limited agricultural R&D spending,More on:
Innovation Spotlight
What the IRA means for Climate Tech
December 19, 2022The biggest news is not what the bill contains and where dollars will flow, but how it will significantly change American attitudes towards climate. -
Expert Voices
One year later: What’s next for the bipartisan infrastructure law’s historic investments in new climate tech?
December 19, 2022We spoke with Natasha Vidangos, Senior Director for Climate Innovation and Technology at Environmental Defense Fund, about what’s next for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and how it can help us tackle the climate crisis. -
Blog post
Key climate finance programs in the Inflation Reduction Act could unleash 10 times more private investment
December 16, 2022The Inflation Reduction Act puts a nearly $370 billion down payment on clean energy and climate progress, making it the most significant climate action ever taken by Congress. -
Here's the landmark climate progress you made possible
December 13, 2022Here's the landmark climate progress you made possible -
EDF explains: Will hydrogen benefit the climate?
December 12, 2022 | Tianyi Sun, Senior Climate ScientistEDF scientist Tianyi Sun explains the opportunities and risks of hydrogen as a clean alternative to fossil fuels.More on:
Blog post
New maps unveil scale of U.S. orphan well challenge, highlight solutions at hand
December 2, 2022 | Adam Peltz, Director and Senior Attorney, Energy TransitionLast year, for the first time, EDF and McGill University mapped every existing documented orphan well across our country. Shortly after, Congress passed the Infrastructure and Investment Act, IIJA, which included $4.7 billion to document, plug and remediate orphan wells. This new funding, secured through EDF’s leadership, provides federal support for the first time for …More on: