Updated February 2025.

Your support makes EDF’s work possible. Together, we are creating a cleaner, healthier and safer future for people and the planet. Thank you for your generosity and trust.

In the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2023 (FY 2023), 86% of EDF’s spending was directed to program activities, 8% was utilized for fundraising and 6% was utilized for finance and administration.

Total operating expenses


Total operating support and revenue


EDF revenue totaled U.S. $255 million in FY 2023 — with 71% of all operating support and revenue coming from contributions and membership. This amount includes cash and pledges received for use in future years. In keeping with not-for-profit accounting standards, EDF records revenue in the year in which funds are raised, not in the years in which those funds are designated for use. This practice can create the appearance of revenue surpluses or deficits in any given year. EDF’s audited financial statements and 990 reports provide a more comprehensive overview of the organization’s finances, including year-over-year net asset balances.

Financial resources

Environmental Defense Fund is committed to operating openly and transparently. Detailed financial information is accessible through the financial statements and IRS 990 tax filings featured below.

Financial statements

Tax filings


EDF applies a standard indirect cost rate to gifts unless the donor explicitly imposes a different rate. Indirect costs are institutional and infrastructure costs that are necessary to manage and support mission-related work.