Our Environmental Economics Seminar Series is a forum on issues significant to U.S. domestic and global environmental policy with some of the field's leading experts.

We invite economists and researchers, policymakers, and the media to join us to explore important climate policy questions with leading economic experts and hear about the latest high-impact research on economics-based climate policy.

Upcoming seminars

  • March 25, 2025, 2:00 pm ET
    Carlos Martin (Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University)
    The House Began to Pitch: The State of Evidence on Climate Adaptation and Housing
  • April 22, 2025, 12:00 pm ET
    Ludovica Gazze (University of Warwick)
    How large are methane emissions from the upstream oil and gas industry and why are they there? Evidence from Colorado
  • May 20, 2025, 4:00 pm ET
    Bob Litterman (Kepos Capital)
    Climate Finance and Carbon-Linked Bonds
  • June 25, 2025, 2:00 pm ET
    Judson Boomhower (UC San Diego)
    Adapting to Growing Wildfire Property Risk
  • July 22, 2025, 1:00 pm ET
    Minghao Qiu (Stony Brook University)
    Christopher Callahan (Stanford University)
    Andrew Wilson (Stanford Unviersity)
    Rachel M. Young (University of California, Berkeley)
    Mortality from Climate Change
Economics seminar series

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Previous seminars

The table below lists previous seminars that aired in the Environmental Economics Seminar Series.

April 2024Gernot Wagner, Massimo TavoniThe economics of solar radiation management
May 2024Matt Zaragotza-WatkinsImplications of U.S. LNG Exports
June 2024Anant SundarshanEnabling Pollution Markets in Developing Countries
July 2024Laura BakkensenWelfare Effects of Climate-Driven Natural Disasters
August 2024Alessio TerziGreen Industrial Policy and the Energy Transition
September 2024Wendong ZhangThe Economics of Soil and Water Conservation
October 2024Katie MachAdaptation to Intersectional and Chronic Climate Risks
November 2024Lucas DavisThe Distributional Effects of U.S. Tax Credits
January 2025Lucija MuehlenbachsDrained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves
February 2025Kelsey LarsonAdditionality and Duration of Cover Cropping

Watch all past seminars

To view all recordings in the series, please visit our YouTube.

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