Reports and publications

  • Stay up to date on innovation and the environment

    Type: Newsletter

    Date: May 22, 2018

  • Download methane city data

    Type: Report

    Date: May 22, 2018

  • The Progress of China’s Carbon Market 2017

    Type: Report

    Date: May 22, 2018

    A report by Environmental Defense Fund and the Chinese government’s Energy Research Institute that creates a framework for gauging the performance of China’s emissions trading system.

  • The Progress of China’s Carbon Market 2017

    Type: Report

    Date: May 22, 2018

    A new report by Environmental Defense Fund and the Chinese government’s Energy Research Institute creates a framework for gauging the performance of China’s emissions trading system

  • American families and communities deserve an EPA administrator who spends more time cleaning up our air and water than cleaning up after his own ethical messes. But since President Trump has given us Pruitt, it is the responsibility of the Congress, the press, and the public to push for minimum standards of behavior. Without taking these five steps, Pruitt’s words are meaningless.

  • Whether it’s a bat, a bird or a butterfly, the Endangered Species Act is a powerful regulatory driver of conservation partnerships and innovations.

  • Why Monsanto and its rivals are trying to save butterflies

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: May 11, 2018

    Agrochemical companies contributed to the demise Monarch butterflies. Now they are joining forces to save them.

  • This preliminary analysis outlines the possible scope of emissions that are at special risk of being double-claimed, if the Paris Rulebook were to discriminate between mitigation originating within versus outside of NDCS, or because of the nature and type of NDCs. The analysis flags the possibility that a significant share of the world’s emissions may be at risk. The analysis underscores the need for clear rules and strong transparency, for double counting/claiming reductions in these emissions would substantially undermine the effectiveness of global emissions abatement efforts, at a high cost to those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

  • The Bureau of Land Management, an arm of the Interior Department, wants to reclassify millions of acres as fit for oil, gas and mineral development, which scientists and conservationists say will continue the fragmentation of the sage grouse, a bird that gains strength in numbers and withers when development breaks groups apart. 

  • This white paper discusses if there is a legal basis for the institutions of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to remain operational after 2020, and, if so, if there is a legal basis for the CDM’s Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) to be used for purposes other than compliance with obligations under the KP, e.g., for compliance with contributions under the Paris Agreement, or for compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).