Reports and publications

  • Farm finance and conservation

    Type: Report

    Date: September 6, 2018

    This report analyzes the impact of conservation on farm budgets with three in-depth case studies. 

  • As tomato harvest hits full capacity and the almond harvest begins to ramp up, global leaders will gather in San Francisco this month to promote continued action on climate change. While Silicon Valley seeks the spotlight, it is the more humble Central Valley that solidifies California’s leadership as one of the world’s most climate-smart economies.

  • Rice nitrous oxide: A new solvable climate problem

    Type: Report

    Date: September 5, 2018

  • Rocket Boosters to Accelerate Climate Action

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: September 5, 2018

    Article 6 of the Paris Agreement outlines ways that countries can voluntarily cooperate to fight climate change, generate investment, and achieve sustainable development. The various cooperation pathways under Article 6 have the potential to serve as “rocket boosters” that help countries go faster and farther towards a safe climate future, but only if countries design them properly at this year’s crucial COP negotiations in Poland.

  • Decision Tree for SGMA Comprehensive Allocation Method

    Type: Report

    Date: August 30, 2018

    This decision tree outlines a hypothetical scenario in order order to illustrate how a Groundwater Sustainability Agency would make pumping allocations consistent with groundwater rights law.

  • Decision Tree for SGMA Comprehensive Allocation Method

    Type: Report

    Date: August 30, 2018

    This decision tree outlines a hypothetical scenario in order order to illustrate how a Groundwater Sustainability Agency would make pumping allocations consistent with groundwater rights law.

  • We can rebuild global fisheries despite warming oceans

    Type: Report

    Date: August 29, 2018

  • This white paper  provides water managers a a recommended approach to navigate one major dilemma of the new Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: how to re-allocate groundwater supplies when they can’t change Byzantine groundwater rights that date as far back as 1903.

  • McCain Was a Warrior for the Climate

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: August 26, 2018

    Tributes to the American hero, who died Saturday at 81, must not overlook the political bravery—and, yes, patriotism—he showed in the fight to meet the threat of climate change.

  • Guest column: Impact bonds can help restore coast

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: August 22, 2018

    Op-ed by Steve Cochran about how environmental impact bonds can help the state of Louisiana restore its coast sooner and for less money.