Reports and publications

  • Setting the Bar

    Type: Report

    Date: October 16, 2018

    The report’s recommendations and detailed guidance provide a valuable road map as companies work to demonstrate how they are managing methane emissions.

  • Fall 2018: The new defenders

    Type: Solutions newsletter

    Date: October 1, 2018

    As Washington caves on climate change and public health, states are rushing to fill the void.

  • Climate change may lead to fish wars: here’s how to avoid them

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: September 27, 2018

    We have a chance to avoid one of the worst economic, environmental and social disasters we face from the impacts of climate change. Will we take it?

  • Western ranchers embrace satellites

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: September 20, 2018

    The goal was ambitious: use satellite technology to help save rapidly vanishing grasslands, introduce rare native species, lock tons of carbon in the soil and recruit a multinational company to help pay for it.

  • Deploying carbon markets to reach climate goals in US states

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: September 11, 2018

    Twenty U.S. states and the District of Columbia have set bold goals to reduce planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. This fact sheet highlights how well-designed carbon markets are critical tools in the policy toolbox to put states on track to meet their climate targets at low cost.

  • EDF Carbon Market Timeline

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: September 11, 2018

    For decades, and in partnership with many other groups, Environmental Defense Fund has championed market-based solutions to environmental problems. Combining world-class analytical resources with a practical, hands-on approach, EDF has a strong track record designing and implementing markets at the international, national, state and provincial, and city levels. This timeline highlights market-based successes that EDF had a particular hand in. 

  • Our study highlights the previously underestimated role of nitrous oxide emissions from rice farms as a global climate accelerator. It also shows a clear opportunity to mitigate those emissions.

  • In this white paper, we quantify the potential global risk of a large climate impact from N2O emissions from rice paddies globally through a geospatial extrapolation.

  • How on-farm conservation can generate financial value

    Type: Report

    Date: September 6, 2018

  • Ride the Fourth Wave of Environmental Innovation

    Type: Newsletter

    Date: September 6, 2018