Reports and publications

  • This EDF report provides the first set of science-based targets for annual emission reductions from U.S. farms, ranches and forests.

  • Climate Tech Brief: Insights in India

    Type: Newsletter

    Date: August 25, 2022

    This issue focuses on India, where fighting climate change not only presents unique challenges, it has sparked an exciting wave of entrepreneurship and innovation.

  • Assessing views on soil carbon in croplands

    Type: Report

    Date: August 4, 2022

    To better understand areas of scientific agreement and disagreement about the climate mitigation potential of cropland soil carbon, EDF asked American University to survey 31 soil carbon scientists working in academia, nonprofit organizations and government agencies. These are the results.

  • Power Sector Decarbonization in North Carolina

    Type: Report

    Date: July 15, 2022

    New analysis from Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Rural Beacon Initiative (RBI) shows that joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) can be an integral tool for North Carolina to cost-effectively reduce emissions and meet the state’s carbon reduction goals.

  • This policy brief quantifies the size of the opportunity from reducing deforestation in the Legal Amazon in U.S. dollars, and provides a roadmap of policy and regulatory changes, and actions, required to seize this opportunity.

  • Report from Trove Research, supported by  Environmental Defense Fund, shows that growing corporate demand for carbon credits could aid tropical forest countries in achieving their national climate obligations.

  • This report is part of a series of papers prepared by Resources for the Future (RFF) and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Scholars from RFF and WiseEuropa—an independent Polish think tank—examine Poland’s energy transition to distill lessons that could help decarbonization efforts in the United States and around the world.

  • Land management can contribute to net zero

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: June 9, 2022

    The integrity of land-based credits in the voluntary carbon market has been historically uneven. Buyer confidence can only occur with high-integrity credits—in other words, assurance that credits represent documented, actual reductions, avoidance, or removal of GHGs that would otherwise not occur. This integrity needs to improve substantially for these types of investments to effectively reduce GHG emissions or remove them from the atmosphere in voluntary carbon markets.

  • Press Kit - Culebra, Puerto Rico

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: May 31, 2022

    EDF fact sheet: Building a Resilient Puerto Rico

  • Solutions Spring 2022: Feeding a hungry world

    Type: Solutions newsletter

    Date: May 3, 2022

    Our oceans face increasing threats. EDF is helping fishers fight climate change and preserve vital food supplies for billions.