Reports and publications

  • Looking to the oceans for answers to the climate crisis.

  • Carbon Sequestration by Seaweed

    Type: Report

    Date: November 7, 2022

    This is one of three reports produced by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) ocean science team as part of a two-year EDF project on natural climate solutions (NCS). The present report attempts to describe the state of the science, including key uncertainties, surrounding interventions based on macroalgal ecosystems and aquaculture.

  • Coastal Natural Climate Solutions

    Type: Report

    Date: November 7, 2022

    This is one of three reports produced by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) ocean science team as part of a two-year EDF project on natural climate solutions (NCS). The present report attempts to describe the state of the science, including key uncertainties, surrounding interventions based on restoring and protecting coastal blue carbon ecosystems.

  • Natural Climate Solutions in the Open Ocean

    Type: Report

    Date: November 7, 2022

    This is one of three reports produced by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) ocean science team as part of a two-year EDF project on natural climate solutions (NCS). The present report attempts to describe the state of the science, including key uncertainties, surrounding interventions based on open ocean ecosystems.

  • Leveraging carbon markets for equitable climate outcomes

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: November 4, 2022

    Addressing the climate crisis requires crafting policies that can simultaneously enhance ambition, promote just and sustainable development, and support vulnerable communities. EDF believes that with careful design and an understanding of social and historical contexts, carbon markets are one tool that can advance lasting, equitable climate solutions. 

  • Analysis shows there are plausible pathways to fully decarbonize shipping by 2050. By taking steps now to test and de-risk new fuel pathways, stakeholders can reduce long-term costs and manage the risk of price or fuel supply shocks in the future.

  • In September, Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection announced awards to purchase 227 electric transit buses in 13counties and 218 electric school buses in seven school districts across Florida from the Volkswagen settlement.

  • In this report, EDF and partners examine the financing challenges that small businesses in low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities face after a disaster. We suggest two innovative risk transfer models to improve the recovery of small businesses in disadvantaged areas from weather-related extremes, with spillover benefits for their broader communities.

  • Solutions Fall 2022: Water, water everywhere

    Type: Newsletter

    Date: October 10, 2022

    Climate change promises a stormier future. Ten years after Sandy, New York and New Jersey are still seeking innovative ways to live with water.

  • This past summer, Californians have been hit hard by inflation: rising food costs, utility bills and nowhere more obviously than at the gas pump. The cost to fill up a tank has many potential causes and lots of experts are weighing in.