Reports and publications

  • Time-variant pricing fact sheet

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: May 12, 2015

    Time variant pricing can save money and cut pollution.

  • Time-variant pricing California fact sheet

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: May 12, 2015

    Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity pricing gives Californians a valuable opportunity to take control of their energy use and electricity bills.

  • Time-variant pricing primer

    Type: Report

    Date: May 12, 2015

    Prices that better reflect the time-varying and location-dependent costs of producing and delivering electricity can lead to economic and environmental gains.

  • How to keep Belt and Road green

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: May 8, 2015

    Chinese NGOs and their partners can help ensure the environment is integral part of initiative

  • Driving California Forward fact sheet

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: May 4, 2015

    A Report on Public Health & Societal Economic Benefits California’s AB 32 Transportation Fuel Policies LCFS & CAP AND TRADE

  • Hacer Avanzar a California

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: May 4, 2015

    Informe sobre los beneficios socioeconómicos y para la salud pública Políticas sobre combustibles para transporte AB 32 de California

  • Driving California Forward: Executive Summary

    Type: Report

    Date: May 4, 2015

    The transportation sector is the largest source of pollution in California, contributing close to 70% of smog-forming gases and 40% of the state’s climate change pollution every year.

  • Driving California Forward

    Type: Report

    Date: May 4, 2015

    Over the next decade, two landmark policy drivers ill be at the heart of the continued overhaul of the transportation system.

  • Despite decades of copious research on the subject, environmental scientists are still flummoxed by their own uncertainty—even ignorance—when it comes answering central questions

  • EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan is eminently achievable, reliable, and cost-effective – and integral to our climate security, human health and prosperity.