Reports and publications

  • If EPA is successful in adopting both proposals, it would result in an additional 5 million metric tons of preventable methane pollution annually — more than a third of total emissions from the oil and gas industry.

  • El Estándar de Bosques Tropicales (EBT) de California ofrece garantías sólidas de salvaguardas a la protección de los derechos humanos y de los pueblos indígenas, así como a elementos importantes de ecosistemas naturales, considerando las buenas prácticas internacionales y que van más allá con requisitos adicionales de verificación por terceros. 

  • EDF Methane Rollback Factsheet

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: August 29, 2019

    Describes the impact of the Trump Administration’s latest efforts to undermine clean air and add more climate pollution to the atmosphere

  • The hotter future that climate pollution is creating has already arrived for 1 in 10 Americans. A new analysis from The Washington Post shows that 34 million Americans live in areas that have now seen average temperatures rise farther than the goal set by the Paris climate agreement — 2 degrees centigrade or about 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • La integridad ambiental en el Estándar de Bosques Tropicales de California: abordando fugas, adicionalidad y permanencia para asegurar que los créditos brinden beneficios climáticos   Spanish version of “Environmental Integrity in the California Tropical Forest Standard: Addressing Leakage, Additionality, and Permanence so that Credits Benefit the Climate”

  • ¿CÓMO SE VERIFICAN LAS SALVAGUARDAS EN EL MARCO DEL ESTÁNDAR DE BOSQUES TROPICALES DE CALIFORNIA? Garantizando la protección de los derechos humanos y de los pueblos indígenas English version:

  • Market demand for chemical monitoring technologies

    Type: Report

    Date: July 30, 2019

  • The road to a 100% clean economy

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: July 29, 2019

    The 100% Clean Economy Act announced is the roadmap America needs to drive urgent action that matches the scale of the problem. It provides a starting point and a finish line for business and government working together to solve the climate crisis.

  • Getting 100% Clear on 100% Clean

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: July 26, 2019

    As one of the world's most advanced economies, the U.S. must stop adding climate pollution to the atmosphere no later than 2050 – which means transitioning to a 100% clean economy.

  • The following is a conversation between Fred Krupp, President of the Environmental Defense Fund, and Denver Frederick, Host of The Business of Giving on AM 970 The Answer WNYM in New York City.