Reports and publications

  • Lead pipes and environmental justice

    Type: Report

    Date: March 15, 2020

    To evaluate health equity and environmental justice concerns, Environmental Defense Fund and American University’s Center for Environmental Policy analyzed more than 3,400 LSL replacements (LSLRs) conducted in Washington, DC between 2009 and 2018.

  • What’s increasing global methane levels? New research examines role of U.S. shale gas.


    Type: Letter

    Date: February 27, 2020

    Letter signed by EDF and 38 other organizations to state and federal lawmakers in New York and New Jersey with recommendations for improving the US Army Corps of Engineers New York New Jersey Harbors and Tributaries Study (NYNJHATS).

  • Farmers are the original environmentalists. For generations, they’ve tended the land, kept track of its health and put their hearts, backs and livelihoods into keeping it productive. But in an era of climate change and extreme weather events, it’s going to take new allies and new tactics to help farmers in that mission, and the National Corn Growers Association has found an important partner in an unexpected place. In this episode, NCGA CEO Jon Doggett and Environmental Defense Fund Senior VP of Ecosystems David Festa discuss the common ground they’ve discovered in helping growers weather storms, grow their profits and reduce their impact on the environment. They’re joined as well by NCGA VP of Production and Sustainability Nathan Fields.

  • 3 paths philanthropy must take now to tackle climate change

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: February 20, 2020

    Success means preserving the stable climate system on which life as we know it depends. We see three critical paths for philanthropy to take on this problem, and all three must be advanced simultaneously. 

  • Letter from the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation (ICSA) to the Members of the ICAO Council on CORSIA Offset Program Eligibility for the First Round of Emissions Unit Program Applications

  • ICSA Letter to the ICAO Council

    Type: Letter

    Date: February 12, 2020

    Letter from the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation to the Members of the ICAO Council on CORSIA Offset Program Eligibility for the First Round of Emissions Unit Program Applications

  • NASDA report one-sheet

    Type: Report

    Date: February 10, 2020

    One-page summary of EDF’s NASDA report.

  • Farm finance one-sheet

    Type: Report

    Date: February 10, 2020

    Single page summary of EDF’s farm finance report.

  • How oil & gas states did (and did not) protect land and water in 2019

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: February 6, 2020

    EDF believes this process of continuous improvement is foundational for protecting land, water and communities from development-related impacts. That’s why we track what states are up to on a consistent basis.