Reports and publications

  • Marginal Well Factsheet

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: September 30, 2021

    EDF factsheet on ownership and emissions of marginal oil and gas wells.

  • We need to go big to solve the climate crisis

    Type: Link

    Date: September 21, 2021

    Natural climate solutions can provide 20% of all the emissions reductions we need by 2050 to keep average global warming under 2 C. Stopping tropical deforestation, allowing tropical forests to regenerate and restoring degraded lands are the most important methods, particularly in the next decade.

  • Agricultural Soil Carbon Credits

    Type: Report

    Date: September 14, 2021

    This synthesis from EDF is for federal and state policymakers looking to shape public investments in climate mitigation through agricultural soil carbon credits, protocol developers, project developers and aggregators, buyers of credits and others interested in learning about the landscape of soil carbon.

  • A report released by a subcommittee of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission examines the threat that increasingly extreme and volatile weather poses to the stability of financial markets, including U.S. agricultural markets. Representatives from EDF served on the 35-member panel.

  • Toward Resilient Groundwater Management in Texas

    Type: Report

    Date: August 30, 2021

    Report documents the results of an EDF research project examining groundwater management challenges in Texas that included convening two stakeholder workshops to identify priority issues and gather diverse perspectives.  

  • Using the latest energy models, EDF teamed up with Evolved Research to create a new and improved cost curve that provides a roadmap for policymakers exploring ways to get to net-zero carbon emissions. The curve demonstrates the need for policymakers to support big, low-cost cuts in carbon emissions now, as well as the need to support the development of newer technologies that can help get us past the finish line.

  • This EDF working paper explores policy tools that federal policymakers could use to quickly and responsibly begin deployment of Direct Air Capture facilities, one of several possible carbon removal approaches that could help get the U.S. to net-negative emissions, alongside essential measures to slash pollution.

  • This report was prepared to assist Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) in providing recommendations to FEMA about how a new loan program resulting from the Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM) Act can be structured to encourage nature-based solutions.

  • China National Carbon Market Launch: FAQ

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: August 18, 2021

    EDF provides answers to nine questions about the official start of online trading for China’s national ETS.

  • China National Carbon Market Fact Sheet

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: August 18, 2021

    Fact sheet on China’s National Carbon Market.